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The Courage to Risk Conference Committee and sponsoring organizations cordially invite you to participate in our 36th collaborative conference to be held on January 24-25, 2025, in Colorado Springs, Colorado, at the Broadmoor Resort.

How to Participate at the Conference

You may choose to participate in the Courage to Risk Conference by:

1. Purchasing table space to exhibit at the conference; and/or

2. Purchasing advertising space in the conference program


 We have 4 different exhibitor types and options for purchasing ad space and sponsorships. Please read the Exhibitor Information prior to completing your Exhibitor Registration.

Exhibitor Types

There will be a limit of 4 tables per organization/business. 

For Profit: an organization or business for the purposes of generating profit.

Non-Profit: an organization or business for purposes other than generating profit. The organization or business benefits: 1) the public and/or 2) a specific group of individuals. A non-profit has tax exempt status.

Self-Advocate: an organization or business that is owned or co-owned by an individual with a disability. The goods or wares are created or co-created by the individual with the disability.

Material Display Only: an organization or business that only wishes to send materials or catalogs for display. The exhibit hall chairperson will ensure that the exhibit table is stocked throughout the conference. The exhibit tables will not be manned by a conference representative.

Exhibitor Fees

For Profit exhibitor space: (1 table - 6'x3') $295.00. Additional tables are $245.00 each.

Non-Profit exhibitor space: (1 table - 6'x3') $245.00 for each table.

Self-Advocate exhibitor space: (1 table - 6'x3') $70.00 for each table.

Entrepreneur exhibitor space: (1 table - 6'x3') $150.00 for each table.

Materials display only: $200.00

Full Page Ads: $175.00

1/2 Page Ads: $150.00

Breakfast Sponsorship: starting at $100.00 and increasing by $100.00 increments

Exhibitor Information

The sponsoring organizations will host a wide array of presentations and exhibits designed for professionals, parents and individuals involved with special education. Attendance for this conference averages around 700 participants. The conference addresses effective educational practices for exceptional students (birth through 21 years of age), the future of special education, and transition services.

You may choose to participate in the Courage to Risk Conference by:

  • purchasing table space to exhibit at the conference; and/or

  • purchasing advertising space in the conference program; and/or

  • purchasing breakfast sponsorships.

The Courage to Risk Conference Committee has the sole right to determine the eligibility of any company or product for inclusion in the exhibit hall. Exhibit space is limited. Exhibit space will be reserved on a first come, first served basis, so reserve your space early!

Individual exhibit spaces are allocated based on 6'x3' table sizes. If additional space is required, please reserve the appropriate number of tables for your exhibit. We are unable to hold tables without a completed reservation and payment.

Confirmation of your commitment to exhibit and to be listed in the conference program must be made by November 15, 2024. After November 15, 2024, exhibitors may still register to exhibit, if space is available, but there will be no guarantee of having your organization/business name listed in the conference program.

Advertising Space in Conference Program: if you wish to purchase advertising space, choose either a full page or 1/2 page ad during the registration process. Once your registration is complete, including payment, you will be responsible for submitting the artwork by November 24, 2024. Artwork is to be electronically submitted in PDF format with 150 dpi to Deana Alfonso at 

  • Full page ad (10" wide x 7" high) = $175.00

  • 1/2 page ad (5" wide x 7" high) = $150.00

Door Prizes: The Courage to Risk Conference Committee invites you to donate a door prize for the drawing to be held on Saturday morning. Please indicate your intent to provide a door prize during the registration process. Thank you in advance for your generous donation.

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